Infographic | 7 Steps To Care Perfectly For Your Roco Suit

The Dress Up

Infographic | 7 Steps To Care Perfectly For Your Roco Suit

A suit should be robust enough to get through a hard day’s wear, but it needs care & attention to stay looking brand new. Suit fabrics are prone to stretching and tearing, but if you follow these 7 steps, you won’t have any wardrobe mishaps!

1. Dry clean sparingly!


You should only dry clean once every 6 months unless there’s an emergency that needs attending to (but let’s face it, there always seems to be an emergency with kids and suits).


2. Buy spare trousers.


If you plan on wearing a suit for a long time - consider investing in a spare pair of trousers! Trousers always show wear before a jacket, so having a spare pair extends the life of your suit.


3. Invest in a steam iron.


A steam iron will keep the suit fresh. Before you steam, use a lint roller and suit brush to remove dirt and dust. Once steamed, you should hang it in an airy space with plenty of room for it to breath.


4. Avoid using pockets.


As tempting as it may be, avoid using the pockets - both inside and out. Putting items, especially heavier things such as wallets and dogs, warps the suit over time and you will end up with a misshapen suit. You can see what a misshapen suit looks like on our suit style guide here.


5. Don’t leave it in a heap.


Don’t make the schoolboy error or leaving your suit in a crumpled heap when you take it off. Taking a minute to hang it up will do wonders for your suit in the long term!


6. Hang it up.


Hang the suit in a suit bag on a large wooden or plastic hanger with rounded edges. This keeps the shape of the suit and ensures it won’t sag over time.


7. Rotate your suits.


If you wear suits often, have around 4-5 suits and rotate wearing them through the week.